Where to Buy Art Supplies and save Money
Yes, that title was read correctly. While the differences aren’t colossal, the differences add up as project after project after projects require supplies. And the less you pay for those supplies, the more of the money you actually make can be used for that other stuff…like… food.
Back in the day, the main options you had were either mail order or retail. Now, thanks to the internet, these aren’t your only two options. In fact, the internet is a fantastic resource for wholesale art supplies.
Wholesale is different from retail in one crucial way: you don’t have a business that needs to make enough to both buy more supplies (plus shipping and handling) and then pay for other things, like employees, all while trying to turn some sort of profit.
Another bonus about buying online: no gas money on your part has to be spent driving to the nearest store! Instead, one can order quickly within a small series of clicks and after the appropriate amount of time…voila! There are the needed supplies at your door for your next few projects.
Some places I personally like to go to are
1. Jerry’s Artarama
2. Dick Blick
3. Utrecht