When You Just Can’t Stand to Paint
Every painter has been there. You’re staring at a blank canvas and nothing is coming to mind. You reach for the brushes but your muse or inspiration has left momentarily, perhaps to enjoy a little warmer weather in the Caribbean. You’re left to languish in your studio. Now I am all for the idea that when you don’t feel like painting that is when you should paint the most, but I am not talking about the moment when all you need is a break to pour through an art book or two to find your motivation and hit the canvas with vengeance. I am talking about the times where even the idea of painting makes you feel a bit nauseous. These are the times when I do the chores or work I usually avoid, but is none the less very important to keep the studio going, like check on art competition dates, prepare portfolios to send out to galleries, work on marketing campaigns or any number of things. I might even pick up and organize the studio, but only as a last resort, of course. In the end, these less-than-glamorous chores serve my painting well. I find that after a couple hours of such diligent productivity, I feel I have accomplished something. I feel empowered. The desire to paint has returned, along with my muse from tropic places unknown, and I am ready to create some art. Give it a try.