Mentoring Service

Level Up Your Artwork
When you need to push your artwork to the next level mentoring is key. In-depth critiques and guidance to give you the strategies to help you improve your drawing and painting. Kevin McCain has worked in the Fine Arts and Commercial illustration fields for over 20 years. Having worked with clients all over the world he can give you insights into how to improve your artwork.
Feedback is Key

Every artist knows it’s very easy to see something wrong in someone else’s artwork but much harder to know what’s wrong with their own. Critique is the method of identifying what is working and what needs to be improved or changed so the drawing or painting is successful. Also advice on what to do to help master your techniques will give you the ability to improve your artwork and meet your goals.
How Does It Work

Learning In The Classical Tradition
The fee for my mentoring service is 80.00 dollars. Once you pay for the service please provide me with information on what you wanted to accomplish with your image. Let me know what type of feedback or particular part of the image you want feedback on. If you were trying to create something in a particular style or movement, let me know what that is. If you wanted to emulate a particular artist send me a couple samples of their work so I can use it in my evaluation. This will help me give the tools to give you the best possible critique.
You can send me up to 3 images via email. The resolution of the image or images should not exceed 1500 pixels on any one side. We will setup a one time Zoom call to discuss you images and give you feedback and a game plan. You can enroll in service as much as needed. If you have questions contact
Who Is This For

Hone Your Skills
This service is geared for artists or art students alike who understand the basic ideas of drawing and painting. This is great for people developing portfolios for college and high school art programs. Artists looking to approach art galleries or producing artwork for regional or national shows. Avid students who want to improve their artwork. Or even just to create something nice as a gift or something to hang on the wall in your home. To learn more contact me at